
Inspiring Remote Tech Teams:

Hubbert’s Book on Remote Tech Teams url: https://www.amazon.com/Inspiring-Remote-Tech-Teams-Performance-ebook/dp/B08VLFYTT3/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=hubbert+smith&qid=1615748275&sr=8-2 Based on personal experience of managing 26 successful tech projects … spoiler — its 80% soft science involving workplace neural responses, and 20% hard science of project management Foreword by – Thomas DiGiacomo,President of Engineering and Innovation at SUSE When Hubbert shared his idea to write about […]

Innovation, Uncertainty and Our Brains

It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.— Chinese proverbThe point is, innovation is painful. But failing to attempt innovation is worse. Innovation involves uncertainty and often failure. Who among us is continuously motivated when efforts often end in failure or the inventor is perceived as a failure? Innovation is even […]

Creating trust starts with engaging and consistency

From my upcoming book “Effective Remote Tech Teams”to be published by Taylor and Francis. Real life story — Decades ago, I worked for NCR, the company had problems, so many problems. Changes were made. A new CEO was hired, Lars Nyberg.Lars was awesome, Lars directly addressed all 15,000 NCR employees every month. He did a […]

Excerpt from upcoming book: Effective Remote Tech Teams

Empathy About you and your empathy — Empathy is a conscious choice. Being consistently empathetic takes focus and significant effort. As a project moves along and fatigue sets in, we will find situations where we don’t want to accept the burden of hearing and attempting to improve. Consistent empathy is the only genuine form of […]

Instinct in the Modern Workplace

Instinct is something we just know. ———————————– Merriam-Webster defines Instinct as a behavior mediated by reactions below the conscious level. Instinct is not consciously learned. Instinct is below the conscious level. We know how to breathe, eat and drink. We know how to use our hands and feet. For 80,000 years of human evolution, for […]